Friday, March 16, 2012

The time is nigh

The time is nigh for certain events
Events that will challenge
Challenge life as we know it
It will be great and fun
Fun to try
Try to succeed
Succeed in the next endeavor of life
Life is precious
Precious in His sight.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Poems about Leaf


satan slams
images, thoughts

Leaf Willow

You are part of me.
Your face I'll never stroke
Your body- never hold
Your love I'll never feel
Your heart- never hear.


Why me?
Why now?
Will I?
Learn? Have another? Be a good mother?
Trying to be patient
Trying to be content
Trying to know You better.
satan mocks me with life events and double talk.
Seeing others' joy helps my heart bitter, little by little.
Feeling desperate for God's love and guidance. Am I being carried?
I only see one set of foot prints.
I'm nicer when people are watching- inside I'm screaming and self pitying.
The scab keeps ripping off.
Hurry up April 2.
Maybe I won't fail this time.

*It needs to be said that, in regards to the last poem, Stephanie is torn between feelings of extreme happiness for her pregnant friends and extreme sadness for her own loss. The bitterness she mentions in the poem is bitterness planted by her own self pitying thoughts about losing her baby and in no way, shape, or form contradicts her happiness for her friends*